Slice your hotdogs to create your caterpillar for a fun easy lunch!
Monday, 20 May 2013
Lion toast!
Ingredients: toast, cheese, a pear, 1 blackberry (or blueberries).
Using a large cookie cutter cut a circle in your toast to create your lions face. Use the crust to create the ears and nose of your lion. Slice your cheese into triangles to create the lion's mane. Use a medium size circle cookie cutter to cut two cheecks and a small circle cookie cutter to create two eyes. Slice a black berry in half for the pupils. Enjoy!
Pancake fun
Create fun pancakes by pouring your favorite pancake mix into a squeeze bottle. This will help control the batter and allow you to create any shape or image.
Sunday, 5 May 2013
Ninja Turtle Chicken Burgers
I used baby spinach to create my ninja turtles mask, but any leafy green will work. Use condiments for the eyes (we decide on ketchup), and there you have it - quick and easy burger fun.